Various – “Balladeers, Redefined” Double LP
Jeremy Bolm of Secret Voice has done the world a huge service by compilling together thee definitive screamo comp for the twenty twenties. Respect is due, a 31-band project has got to have been a lot of bloody hard work. Let the choice of bands speak for themselves – a random selection: Jeromes Dream, Hundreds of AU, NĂ˜ MAN , Terminal Bliss, Soul Glo, Infant Island, For Your Health, Slow Fire Pistol, Frail Body, Coma Regalia, Lord Snow, Zeta, Boneflower… and many more screamo/screamo-adjacent ensembles. Confirms exactly what a good a compilation should: that there is a broad, insanely healthy scene of bands out there, both known/successful, and also waiting to be known/successful.