BIG BOYS – “Where’s My Towel/Industry Standard” LP


Touch And Go Records

Aqua blue vinyl (1000 copies). 2024

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Big Boys – “Where’s My Towel/Industry Standard” LP

As part of Touch And Go’s new series of reissues of the classic Austin, Texas skate-punk’s back-catalogue. The debut album originally released in 1981 (on Wasted Talent Records) by one of the first American hardcore bands from Austin, Texas, active between 1979 and 1984. Like their Texan peers – The Dicks MDC, Offenders –  the Big Boys were a top league band who encapsulated all the great aspects of early American hardcore: skate rats buzzing on crazy energy and speed, with a tonne of attitude and a confrontational stance backed by righteous political suss… But also, like the Minutemen over in California, they took it step further and incorporated wild, bass-lead funk grooves, scrunching-up and tossing away the formula virtually as soon as it was being written. Topped by memorable song writing – if you haven’t listened to the Big Boys you will, nonetheless, have heard their songs, they have been covered that many times throughout the decades. 

Additional information

Weight .35 kg
Dimensions 36 × 34 × .5 cm