Electric Chair – “Performative Justice” 7″
Frantic 80’s style hardcore punk punk punk from members of Beta Boys. Iron Lung Records, without any exageration, refer to Koro, Disorder and Battalion Of Saints, allĀ mixed together – “It doesn’t sound like any of those bands but we just need you to keep that in your head. There ain’t much going on in there anyway right?”. Add some some early DC/Boston hardcore to that equation, too (F.U.s, Gang Green, Void). It’s fast, it’s loose, it’s noisey as fuck, and yet Electric Chair’s debut 7″ also manages to be wierdly accessible and tuneful. And it’s a welcome end result. Mastered by the ever-obliging Will Killingsworth. Round of applause from all.
Fourth pressing of 300 on Translucent Red vinyl.