SPEED – “Only One Mode” LP


Flatspot Records

Gold nugget vinyl (1000 copies). 2024


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Speed – “Only One Mode” LP

Bouncing enthusiastically onto the world’s stage and quickly (with speed, natch) becoming one of the most popular new hardcore bands out there. It’s heart-warming that the Australian underdogs are achieving some glory – not just for themselves, but the rest of the world’s disparate hardcore scenes, who for some time now, for better or worse, have been disproportionately overshadowed by North American bands. Better still, Speed are partially representing their Asian heritage; for a minority who have perhaps been culturally unrepresented in their own country, and not least within their own hardcore punk scene, it seems to be an important leap of progress, especially for a world region that (sorry for the generalisation, Australia) in some respects can be a little behind the curve. Further cause for celebration: this is an ear-smashing hardcore record for 2024, with tonnes of attitude (both punchy and thoughtful), a well delivered mix on the energy-to-heavy ratio, all given their own unique stamp of identity (those back-up vocals sound like no one else. And yes, wait for it, here comes the flute solo. Fuckin’ell). I reckon the sleeve photo is a bit of a classic, too. This is the gold nugget vinyl version, exclusive to Revelation Records.

Additional information

Weight .3 kg
Dimensions 36 × 35 × .5 cm