GUTTER KNIFE – “Boots on the Ground” 12″


Quality Control

Second press, mauve coloured vinyl, includes download. 2019

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SKU: QCHQ054 qc12 Categories: , Tags: ,


Gutter Knife – “Boots on the Ground” 12″

Boot-boy damage rampaging out of Brighton. Detecting a Negative influence here. As in Approach. As in FX, too. Executed with that thuggish, distinctly UK street punk sound that Americans lose their shit over (and fail miserably to replicate) – hooligan ‘ardcore, with an air of controlled violence and defiant attitude. A dead cert if you like Arms Race and Violent Reaction, as these guys have the (knife) edge over both bands.

Additional information

Weight .28 kg
Dimensions 36 × 35 × .5 cm