Electric Wizard – “Dopethrone” Double LP
Recorded in a shed in some woods on the Dorset-Hampshire border back in 2000. I remember it well because that’s where an old band of mine used to hang-out and practise. The Wizard recorded there becasue it was cheap and local, and they could spend Rise Above’s advance on fizzy pop and wotsits (maybe drugs too). And also it was fucking cool, out there, in the middle of the woods. We snidely snickered at the naff ‘occult’ posters they had taped to the studio walls in order to create their vibe… But, this went on to become a cult classic of doom metal and straight away they were playing to huge audiences the world over. Ultimately the joke was on us, I guess. Twenty years later, and it does indeed sound just like it was recorded in a shed in the woods of the New Forest – and all the better for it.