Asesinato – “Loving Kindness Meditation” 7″
The debut 7″ from a new Washington, DC band whose members have been in Kombat, Rashomon, (currently Ztuped) and many others. What starts out as a under-rehearsed Gag clone attempting some loose sounding d-beat, quickly becomes way too weird, and pretty soon true colours are revealed – which is total Void, reincarnated, (others may have attempted it, but you have to come from DC to really nail it). The chaos is confusing, but pretty quick you’re absorbing the deceptively super-smart moves that are concealed within, and then before long you’re onto some mad shit that’s got you texting and paging all of your crew like it’s 1995 because you have just discovered your new favourite band. Mental. And brilliant. Limited edition of 300 copies.